What is the thyroid gland, the main terms, hormones, problem symptoms and treatment methods
The thyroid gland is included in the list of the most poorly studied glands. It is located in the front of the neck and gradually produces hormones that directly affect the actual rate of metabolism and indirectly change the body weight. Unhealthy activity of the thyroid gland leads to many disorder..
Nano Iodine is becoming more affordable
Dear People!The management of the Kazakh company MTI Medical, seeing how all of humanity is facing imminent danger, came to the conclusion that the price of the entire line of products from TM Balm Renaissance will be lowered.Despite the collapse of the economy of many countries, Kazakhstan was no e..
Чёрная пятница с Бальзам Возрождение!
Уважаемые посетители нашего сайта, предлагаем Вам уникальную возможность в честь Чёрной пятницы приобрести 6 баночек бальзама Возрождения по цене 5!При покупке 5 баночек 6 баночка идёт в подарок!Предложение действительно всего 3 дня , торопитесь!..
Checking capillaries and blood vessels
Dear Khmelnytsky and guests of the city!On the occasion of City Day, MTI Medical, with the support of TM “Balsam Vozrozhdenie”, offers absolutely free to check its capillaries and blood vessels using a unique new method called capillaroscopy.Looking forward to see you! Registration for capillaroscop..
Why is nano iodine so important for the human body?
Why is nano iodine so important for the human body⁉️Firstly, each cell of the body contains and consumes iodine, secondly, white blood cells cannot effectively fight the infection without the necessary amount of iodine, thirdly, iodine is concentrated in the glandular system: thyroid gland, mammary ..
Vitamin A where it occurs and its effects on the skin and other parts of the body
Vitamin A skin and body effectsVitamin A is the most important vitamin for skin beauty. It is he who provides her youth, slows down aging, and guarantees the beauty of hair. How to take vitamin A - read in our material.Vitamin A has many functions. In particular, he cares for teeth, supports bones, ..
Do I need iodine for children?
The effect of iodine on the body of childrenOne of the main manifestations of severe iodine deficiency is a lesion of the thyroid gland, which is called endemic goiter. This is an increase in body size due to increased work on the synthesis of hormones and insufficient intake of iodine with food. Si..
What is the need for pregnant women in iodine, and how does this affect the functioning of the thyroid gland?
How many pregnant women have iodine deficiency☝️Up to 80% of pregnant women experience iodine deficiency. A high percentage of iodine deficiency in pregnant women is quite explainable: from the first weeks of pregnancy, fairly high demands are made on the thyroid gland of a woman. This is due to the..
How many people suffer from iodine deficiency?
How many people get less iodineAccording to scientists, about 35% of the world's population, that is, one in three of us, suffers from a lack of iodine. There are many studies showing that iodine deficiency affects most of the inhabitants of areas remote from the sea.Record-holders for iodine conten..