How many people suffer from iodine deficiency?
How many people get less iodine
According to scientists, about 35% of the world's population, that is, one in three of us, suffers from a lack of iodine. There are many studies showing that iodine deficiency affects most of the inhabitants of areas remote from the sea.
Record-holders for iodine content are fish and seafood (those that we eat raw - oysters, scallops, etc.), as well as cod liver are especially useful. If in order to replenish the daily norm of this microelement, it is necessary to eat a kilogram of cod, then 100 g of its liver contains about 370 micrograms of iodine. Of the plant foods, iodine is most found in walnuts and feijoa. But the most useful source of iodine, in the opinion of most nutritionists, is seaweed, or kelp, to replenish the daily norm of iodine, it is enough to eat only 100 g of seaweed per day.